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Shania Search
The Unofficial Shania Twain Search Engine and Directory

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If you have a Shania Twain site, you should be included in Shania Search.
If your site is not included yet, let us kow!
If your site is already included, give us a description!  (this really sets your site apart from the crowd)
Requirements: In order to maintain a quality search engine and directory...
* Obviously, the URL must be valid (although it is doubtful that you would take the initiative to submit a "dead" URL).   However, note that we will also be checking the entire directory on a regular basis.  If a link is "dead", we will keep a close eye on it.  If a link continually fails to respond over a period of a few days, then we will have to remove the URL to maintain the quality of the search engine and directory.  The absence of "dead" links is one of the features that will distinguish Shania Search from other link aggregators, which will be a great benefit to visitors (and webmasters whose Shania sites are listed in the directory).  Note - If your site was offline because of technical problems, you are welcome to resubmit your URL.  
* Your site must meet minimum requirements for design, content, and/or traffic.  Minimum is the key word.   Basically, does your site have a pulse?  We really don't want to exclude anyone, but we want our visitors to have an enjoyable experience here at Shania Search.   So what are we looking for?  Well, one page sites are less likely to win favor over multiple-page sites.  Sites that have received 2 visitors since 1998 are unlikely to get the nod (unless the site is actually good, and the webmaster is just really clueless about promotion).  Sites that are extremely difficult to read or navigate may not make it.  Also, offensive sites will not be admitted (you know who you are).  
Link to the site that links to you...  (not required, but very much appreciated)
* You can put a link on your site pointing to us at https://members.tripod.com/shaniasearch/
* You can put one of our selected graphics (w/link) on your site.
List your site using the form below.

your e-mail address
your "Shania" URL
title of your site
comments to webmaster
Your description determines how your site will be found in the search engine and directory.  Include your most relevant words, but keep the description length to 1-2 lines.  We will trim description that are overly long, but we will try to be gentle.

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To add your SHANIA page or change your description... use the Add URL form.

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